About Chris Oliver

Chris Oliver

Married with four grown children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Moved around several parishes in England - a good way to explore this lovely country.

Contributing to and leading Bible Groups since 1992. Still finding the Bible becomes more and more fascinating the more one reads.

For these Bible groups a digest of thoughts from many different commentaries prompted more interesting discussions.

Please contact me if you think I may be of help with starting a bible-group: chris at chris-oliver.net

"Sunday Readings in Context" started when I realised I knew nothing about the first readings at Mass from the Old Testament, and often received little help towards making sense of them from the priest's homily. Few priests had studied the Old Testament before ordination. So I started contributing a short note to my parish newsletter - and it has grown ever since.

Once the three-year cycle was complete, the notes were consolidated into Ebooks. Six altogether, appearing every 6 months.

These have now been combined into one ebook covering the full three-year cycle.

I hope you find them helpful. Revision of the notes continues, so an updated edition of the three-year ebook is made available from time to time.